Cannabinoids are compounds found in cannabis plants, and they have a variety of effects on the human body. Cannabichromene (CBC) is one such cannabinoid, and it appears to have some similar and unique benefits when compared to other cannabinoids such as CBD and THC. Let’s explore the benefits of CBC and how it works!

What are Cannabinoids?

Cannabinoids are compounds from cannabis that can have a wide range of effects when used by making interactions with the endocannabinoid system, firing off the CB1 and CB2 receptors.  There are over 100 different types of cannabinoids. Of these, the two most well-known are THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol).

Many of these cannabinoids are being discovered to possess unique properties and benefits. CBC is the third most abundant cannabinoid found in cannabis, and this is incredibly important as it means that there is an abundant amount naturally found. When extracting it from cannabis, it doesn’t crystallize, and its generally concentrated into an oil. CBC is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, which means it does not produce the “high” associated with THC. So far research has indicated that CBC may help fight cancers, pain, inflammation, have a positive effect on brain cells, inhibit acne, and act as an antidepressant.

Breaking down the Benefits of CBC

CBC is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties due to its interaction with the CB2 receptor. This interaction is thought to reduce inflammation in the body, which may help to reduce pain, swelling, and other symptoms associated with inflammation. More research and studies are needed to see how well it can act as an anti-inflammatory. For the current knowledge we have right now, it appears that pairing CBC with THC can offer a greater effect, due to the CB1 receptor firing off from the THC, and in general using a Full Spectrum of Cannabinoids to really get a strong Entourage Effect. The Entourage Effect is the hypothesis that the correct combination and variety of cannabinoids used at the same time can amplify the strength and effectiveness of their healing abilities.

CBC is also believed to have neuroprotective properties. It is thought to protect the brain from damage and reduce inflammation, which may help to reduce the risk of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. There have been various studies done on animals, mostly mice, that have shown that CBC shows these possible effects, but require further research to see if this can be applied for humans.

There’s another interesting benefit CBC brings to the table, and that’s the ability to inhibit acne. Due to CBC’s effective anti-inflammatory properties, it has the ability to suppress excessive lipid production, which is believed to be one of the main reasons acne outbreaks occur. Further research is needed to fully discover to what extend CBC can inhibit the processes that cause acne.

CBC is believed to have anti-cancer properties due to its interaction with the CB2 receptor. This interaction is thought to reduce inflammation and suppress the growth of cancer cells, and appears to linger in the bloodstream longer.

Much like other cannabinoids, there’s a strong possibility that CBC also has antibacterial properties. Various studies have shown that CBC was effective at fighting off infections by staphylococcus bacteria and Escherichia coli, and that CBC and other cannabinoids could potentially be as potent as some common antibiotics when used properly.

Which Cannabinoids to take and how?

CBD, THC, and CBC being the most prevalent cannabinoids found in cannabis, but should you be taking all of these or other cannabinoids?

It depends on what you’re looking for in cannabinoids, but a general rule of thumb is to try to obtain an Entourage Effect, the synergistic combination of cannabinoids that unlocks the maximum potential for beneficial effects. When taking a combo of cannabinoids, it’s important to understand that CB1 Receptors are activated by generally by psychoactive causing cannabinoids, such as THC, and CB2 Receptors are generally activated by non-psychoactive cannabinoids. It is believed that activating both receptors allow for cannabinoids to truly unlock their potential.

For example, if you were looking for help with inflammation, taking CBC by itself is only activating the CB2 Receptor, but when paired with THC which activates the CB1 Receptor, it would lead to a greater anti-inflammatory response. More studies are needed to truly discover which combination and dosages are needed of each cannabinoid to home in on what works for which ailment.

As of now, it would be best to take as full of a spectrum of cannabinoids as possible and see if you can notice a difference. Based on where you live, there may be laws against THC being legal, or you may not like the high effects that come along with it, but most evidence from studies would suggest trying to get that full entourage effect is a priority for having good results. If you are legally limited try asking your doctor about getting a medical cannabis license, or if you do not enjoy the effects of THC getting a combination of CBD and CBC along with other cannabinoids would be your next best option.

Due to the oily state of CBC it is more commonly found in tinctures, softgel capsules, gummies, and topical rubs. There are many of these products available online that are specially only CBC, but another good route of trying to get some can be by using a Full Spectrum CBD product. Full Spectrum CBD contains all the natural cannabis cannabinoids, flavonoids, terpenoids, and other compounds. Always be sure to check with your doctor before using any cannabis products if you currently take medications or have other medical implications. Be sure when shopping for cannabis products that you are buying from a reputable source that has had their products tested by third-party labs (Certificate of Analysis), these should be available for your viewing, and if they aren’t ask the shop to provide them.

Over the next handful of years, it will be no surprise to see more CBC products pop up on the market. As more studies unlock the true healing abilities of cannabis and the amazing compounds it brings to the table, it will be interesting to see how far CBC will go by itself or what combinations of compounds with it will yield the best results.