CBD is one of the most popular and talked-about natural remedies today. It is believed to have a wide range of potential benefits, from reducing inflammation to relieving stress and improving sleep. One of the most popular forms of CBD is Broad and Full Spectrum. Let’s take a look at the studies showing the benefits of both, how they differ, potential side effects, and how to use them safely.

What is Broad Spectrum CBD and What is Its Chemical Makeup?

Broad Spectrum CBD contains all the compounds from the plant, including cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. What makes Broad Spectrum CBD unique is that it does not contain THC, the psychoactive compound found in cannabis. To achieve this there are two methods, one by removing all the THC from Full Spectrum CBD through distillation, or by adding the cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids to CBD isolate. The product in comparison to Full Spectrum will be lighter in color and slightly different flavor but still very similar.

The chemical makeup of Broad Spectrum CBD is similar to that of Full Spectrum CBD. It contains all of the same compounds, including cannabidiol (CBD), cannabinol (CBN), and cannabigerol (CBG) along with the other terpenes such as myrcene, limonene, or pinene. The main difference all strictly comes down to that it does not contain THC. This is where a term known as the “Entourage Effect” comes into play. This term is a hypothesis that each cannabis compound from cannabinoids to terpenes, all have a synergistic method of acting with one another. To get a full entourage effect you would need all the cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids from the cannabis you’re extracting it from. Sadly during the process of extraction there is a decent amount of loss of terpenes and flavonoids making a true Full Spectrum difficult to obtain. With Broad Spectrum purposely having THC Delta-9 stripped from it, it is already lacking a fuller entourage effect. This doesn’t mean it is not effective though, in contrary to what some may say, there are many people other there that are hypersensitive to THC and taking Broad Spectrum CBD is a better option for them.

Benefits of Broad and Full Spectrum CBD

Studies have found that Broad and Full Spectrum CBD may have a wide range of potential benefits, including reducing inflammation, relieving pain, and improving mood. It is also believed to help with anxiety and stress, as well as improve sleep quality.

The anti-inflammatory properties of Broad and Full Spectrum CBD may help to reduce inflammation in the body, which can help to reduce pain and improve overall health, though some studies have found that not having THC in combination lessens this pain relieving effect. Some dermatologists and skin cancer surgeons have suggested that CBD may play an essential role in hydrating skin and have anti-inflammatory effects. This would effectively make it a great way to treat dry skin and relatable conditions and inflammatory skin disorders.

The mood-boosting effects of Broad and Full Spectrum CBD may help to improve overall mental health. It is believed to reduce anxiety and stress, as well as improve sleep quality. This can have a positive effect on overall wellbeing, so it’s not a bad idea to be taking some even if you do not have any conditions.

Studies Showing the Benefits of Broad and Full Spectrum CBD

There have been numerous studies conducted on the potential benefits of CBD. A recent study submitted toward the end of the year of 2022 proved that CBD when paired with a variety of standard antibiotics increased the ability to disrupt membrane integrity of specific bacteria. This is leading to further studies on how effective CBD can be when used on specific bacteria and viruses, or what combination of CBD with other compounds can be effective at treating infections.

An amazing research paper that contains information of studies from authors studying CBD for more than 20 years covered a lot of ground on it’s beneficial uses. In the conclusion of all these studies, it is shown that CBD has anxiolytic, antipsychotic and neuroprotective properties. This means that it can relieve anxiety, a range of neuroleptic conditions, and serve to protect central nervous system against disorders such as dementia or Parkinson’s.

Another great study showed that Full Spectrum CBD even with lower levels of THC, essentially Broad Spectrum or close to, were able to significantly improve mechanical pressure pains in animals that had nerve disorders, effectively relieving pain.

Potential Side Effects and How to Use

Although Broad and Full Spectrum CBD is generally considered safe, there are some potential side effects to be aware of. These include dry mouth, drowsiness, and changes in appetite. It is important to speak with a doctor before taking any CBD product, especially if you are taking any medications or have other medical issues. When using CBD, it is important to start with a small dose and increase as needed, especially with Full Spectrum CBD if you aren’t a frequent user of THC already.

There are a variety of CBD products available including tinctures, edibles, topicals, softgel capsules, and vapes. Depending on what you are trying to treat, will most likely determine your delivery method, for instance topicals are obviously meant for skin usage. In general, tinctures and softgel capsules are going to be the most reliable and ease of use method for most desired effects. They are a great way to get a precise dosage, and will be the most available product on the market as edibles and vapes tend to have more restrictions depending on which State you are buying in. It is always important to give any CBD product you are trying at least a couple weeks or more to see if it provides a positive impact, provided it is not causing any negative side effects. It is also crucial to make sure you always buy from a legitimate source that has lab testing certificates to back up what exactly you’re getting when you buy their product. All legitimate sellers will have Certificates of Analysis or otherwise known as COAs listed on their website or should be able to provide you with them if you ask.

A Quick Wrap Up of the Article

Broad and Full Spectrum CBD are both a popular way of trying to get an entourage effect of potential benefits from cannabis and cannabis hemp. Studies have found that it may be effective at reducing inflammation, relieving pain, improving mood, help with anxiety and stress, as well as improve sleep quality. It is important to speak with a doctor before using any CBD product if you’re on medications or have other medical complications. If you are looking for a natural remedy to help with various health issues, then Broad and Full Spectrum CBD may be worth considering.